Tuesday, September 4, 2012

EDITORIAL: Beware bad gas

Here's an interesting article on the EPA's new 15% ethanol gas, or "E15".  Even though most oil refiners are opposed to E15, the first gas station to sell this fuel opened in June in Kansas.  I've written several articles about MAJOR ISSUES with E15 on the "Ethanol Articles" page of the website.  If you have not read these before, you may want to check them out.  It is possible we may see E15 in Louisiana and Mississippi either late this year or in 2013.  Retailers are VERY SKEPTICAL of E15 due to huge liability issues. 


EDITORIAL: Beware bad gas

Uncle Sam OKs junk food for cars
By THE WASHINGTON TIMES - Friday, August 31, 2012

The corner gas station soon might be pumping fuel with an extra slug of ethanol. That’s bad news for drivers because they could be saddled with the bill for big repair expenses. Drivers can thank the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for this because bureaucrats there have been unrelenting in their push to dilute pure gasoline with a politically correct additive.

In June, the EPA waived Clean Air Act restrictions on the sale of E15, a fuel blend containing 15 percent corn alcohol. A coalition of automakers, fearful that a boost of ethanol in fuel will harm engines, succeeded in winning a temporary stay of the waiver. On Aug. 17, however, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit swept away a legal challenge to the sale of “midlevel” ethanol, ruling that the manufacturers lacked standing to contest the EPA’s waiver.

(Read full article here: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/aug/31/beware-bad-gas/ )