Well, the BIG day is here finally! The LSU vs Alabama "Game of the Century" as the media hypes it starts at 7:00 pm Central time on CBS. There will be a pre-game show before the game starting at 6:00 pm. The teams are so evenly matched, that the "Vegas" crowd gives Bama a 5 point advantage, which they admit is only because the game is played in Alabama.
You know that Coach Miles will bring several "trick plays" as he usually does for big games. LSU has the advantage in two experienced quarterbacks against a first year starter for Bama. That becomes important if the running game for LSU is stalled. It's sure to be a very exciting game..........with the winner likely playing in the BCS Championship in New Orleans. BUT, if Standord and Oklahoma State should lose, it is still possible that LSU and Bama could still face each other in the big game, provided the loser of today's game has only one loss.
Back to ethanol issues. Here's another article on how the huge amount of corn grown to make ethanol is affecting food prices. Somewhere soon I believe, the huge impact of corn prices on food prices will force the US Congress to take steps to stop or at least slow down this obsession with ethanol.
Ethanol’s Corn Grab Robs Holiday Budgets
Nov 4, 2011 10:18 AM
Higher food prices are leading more than a third of U.S. consumers to cut back on holiday spending, according to a new survey by Americas Research Group for Reuters.
A total of 28.4% of the 1,000 people surveyed by Americas Research Group said that rising food costs would cause them to cut back on their Christmas shopping somewhat. Another 7.2% said they would most definitely cut back.
According to the American Meat Institute (AMI), approximately 40% of the U.S. corn crop is now devoted to ethanol production. This increase in corn demand has driven corn prices to record levels, putting tremendous pressure on the livestock and poultry industries that traditionally have been the major consumers of corn as feed.
In fact, corn prices have roughly tripled since the government in 2006 mandated that ethanol be blended into gasoline, and the Consumer Price Index for meat and poultry products has risen steadily with it.
AMI has advocated for a more balanced energy policy that would include federal energy policies that transcend corn-based ethanol and don’t pit food, feed and fuel needs against each other.
To sign a petition supporting a balanced energy policy, go to http://www.cornforfoodnotfuel.com/.
"Pete" Landry...............comments welcome........at way2gopete@yahoo.com