Perry Disses Ethanol in
by Wes Barrett | November 01, 2011
PELLA, IA --Texas Governor Rick Perry thrashed the ethanol issue in corn country Tuesday, arguing the federal government should get out of the business of picking winners and losers and end federal subsidies to energy businesses, including the ethanol industry that looms so large in Iowa.
"[W]hether you're in the oil and gas business, the tax credits they get, whether you're in the ethanol business and the renewable fuel standard or whether you're in the wind side, from Washington DC, I do not think it is the federal government's business to be picking winners and losers in frankly any of our energy sources," Perry said to a forum on manufacturing jobs in Pella, Iowa.
Perry brought up ethanol during a jobs forum in
Ethanol advocates have expressed disagreement with Perry's energy plan since he unveiled it in October with one group saying Perry's rhetoric about winners and losers doesn't match his energy plan.
"He does pick a winner," said Monty Shaw, a spokesman for the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association. "Perry's energy plan leaves
Shaw notes that Perry's plan calls for letting current subsidies for a variety of energy industries expire. And while federal subsidies for renewable fuels such as ethanol have expiration dates, Shaw says petroleum subsidies don't have an expiration date and thus, Perry's plan chooses the oil and gas industries as winners, while renewable fuels lose.
Perry's tough talk on ethanol Tuesday came in a politically delicate setting. The manufacturing facility at which the jobs forum was held is surrounded by corn fields and ethanol production is a boon to
But despite his second-tier status in
"They ought to get back to what they ought to have been doing which is standing a good military and securing the border and then let the states work out most of the rest of these things," Perry said.
After forum moderators pressed further on the issue, Perry did leave an opening for some money to go to energy but said it should be limited to research and development.
"R and D is the one place that I would allow the federal government to be engaged," he said.
But that's not enough for those who support ethanol. They say despite Perry's claim that he looks at all energy industries as being equal, his plan gives an unfair advantage to the petroleum industry that creates so many jobs in
"He hasn't figured out that he's running for president of the
"Pete" Landry.........comments welcome