Senate votes overwhelmingly to end ethanol subsidies
The Senate voted 73-27 this afternoon to end tax credits for ethanol that amount to about $6 billion annually. The vote to kill featured 33 Republicans, 38 Democrats and the Senate's two independents. Saving the subsidies drew little support outside the
"The best way for ethanol to survive is to stand on its own two feet," argued Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., who sponsored the Senate amendment along with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.
The vote eliminates the 45-cent per gallon tax credit for ethanol refiners along with the 54-cent per gallon tariff on imported alcohol fuel that was designed to keep out Brazilian sugarcane ethanol.
But ethanol supporters beat back a separate effort that would have prohibited taxpayer financing of new blender pumps -- additional pumps at filling stations offering different blends of ethanol fuels. It fell 19 votes short.
The National Corn Growers Association, which is based in Chesterfield, fought along with other farm groups and the ethanol industry to preserve the tax credit, which was due to expire at year's end.
"The oil companies have never given up their assault on ethanol and biofuels," asserted Sen. Tom Harkin, a Democrat from
Senators from
The subsidy has been around since the Energy Tax Act of 1978 gave ethanol a 40-cents per gallon tax exemption, increased to a high of 54-cents per gallon over the years.
The Renewable Fuels Association, which represents ethanol producers, said afterward that they were "disappointed in the shortsightedness of this vote, particularly as this same body voted less than one month ago to preserve billions of dollars in taxpayer handouts to the oil industry."
The Corn Growers put out a statement saying that the organization was severely disappointed that "politics trumped policy." But the
Schott said that "blender pumps provide options for those with flex-fuel vehicles and can help the ethanol industry grow in the years to come."